Here you’ll find a range of questions about the EcoForce business. If you can’t find the answer you need, ask us by filling in the form at the bottom of the page.


All trees cost $84.70 AUD when purchased outright or just $7.70 AUD when purchased on a monthly plan over 12 months. When a tree is purchased you will see what it is priced at in your local currency before completing your purchase. The price of the tree includes the following

Sales commission to the seller of the tree
Species selection, different species have different unit costs
Seed acquisition – if collected from the planting site to improve growth rates and species continuity
Nursery propagation and early growth
Planting of the tree including where appropriate a tree guard, soil preparation, QR code and payment to Not for profit or farmer for planting.
5 Years funding support to the farmer for reporting tree growth and keeping the tree alive
Replacement of the tree should it die within the first 2 years
Company operation

Ecoforce is working with farmers across Australia, New Zealand, Canada, United States and Africa to plant trees. Farmers around the world own 60% of the landmass of the planet providing us with plentiful access to tree planting sites.

Your purchase will be allocated to the next landowner/farmer planting site we’re working on. You’ll receive advice from us within 48 hours of your purchase of the planting site by email and/or sms if you didn’t choose the site when you purchased a tree.. Once the tree has been planted we’ll then send you a link with the exact GPS co ordinates of the tree and a photo of the tree in the ground.

Yes we guarantee to replace any tree that dies within 2 years of being planted with a new seedling.

In consultation with the landowner / farmer we can do our best to organise a visit. EcoForce provides no assistance to visit the tree or can guarantee the farmers availability due to their production processes but with enough notice, plans should be able to be made.

After the 2 years the tree becomes the property of the landowner / farmer. Depending upon the type of tree, the first 15 years of a tree are its greatest carbon capturing potential. We expect that the long term benefit for farmers to retain the trees to help retain top soil, carbon, provide shade for animals and help seed clouds for rain will see many trees living a full life.


Every business around the world is looking to reduce its eco footprint, either to reduce the cost of doing business or due to consumer and stakeholder pressure. Being an EcoPartner allows businesses a transparent way of contributing to carbon capture and landscape regeneration through the EcoForce Tree Planting Program. Businesses can gain a great deal of credibility by committing to purchasing and plant trees through EcoForce Global. Sign up today to become an EcoPartner.

Now that you have taken a position on purchasing trees, you can incentivise your customers through purchases and be rewarded with trees. For example a car dealership might purchase 10 trees for every car sold or a coffee shop might suggest to customers 50 cents from every coffee goes towards buying more trees. There are any number of ways trees can be used as an incentive to drive sales. Businesses might also invite their customers to help them reach a business target by purchasing a tree through the businesses QR code.

Your webcode link will be sent within 24 hours to your purchasing email address and your sticker posted not long thereafter.

Yes it is possible once the trees have been allocated to a planting site for you to be involved with the planting. Our team will be in contact with you prior to the planting. Your trees unless you purchased over 500 in one time will be collated with other trees purchased to create a mass planting.

EcoForce chooses the trees that best suit the environment in which they are to be planted in consultation with biologists and ecologists and nature specialists. This means we capture the greatest amount of carbon and have the greatest rate of success.

All trees cost $84.70 AUD when purchased outright or just $7.70 AUD when purchased on a monthly plan over 12 months. When a tree is purchased you will see what it is priced at in your local currency before completing your purchase. The price of the tree includes the following

Sales commission to the seller of the tree
Species selection, different species have different unit costs
Seed acquisition – if collected from the planting site to improve growth rates and species continuity
Nursery propagation and early growth
Planting of the tree including where appropriate a tree guard, soil preparation, QR code and payment to Not for profit or farmer for planting.
5 Years funding support to the farmer for reporting tree growth and keeping the tree alive
Replacement of the tree should it die within the first 2 years
Company operation

Each business can set its own purchase frequency. Business can engage their customers to buy through a link we’ll issue you after you purchase your first three and become an Affiliate. The affiliate link will help you track customer engagement and can be used to promote your efforts.

There is no minimum but we recommend you purchase at least 3 to start with and become an affiliate. Doing so can help you purchase more trees later on at a reduced rate.

In Memoriam

To set up a page to help sell trees for the memory of a loved one complete the form below. When doing so please complete all the required fields so we can speed up the process of approval. The form should take as little as 10 minutes to complete.

Landholders Opportunity

The minimum number of trees is 2500.

It is important to plant to most suitable trees for the planting sites. Many of our planting sites will be on private land so the selection of trees will be done in consultation with the landowner and the local landcare specialists and tree planting organisations. The tree types will also be chosen to maximise carbon capture and soil health growth.

In Australia 60% of all land is held by farmers. If EcoForce can plant trees on these properties and help sequester ( capture) carbon and in turn help rebuild soil health and mineral content then why not support farmers?

EcoForce will work with landowners in most countries of the world to plant trees.

No, EcoForce will work with any farmer who wishes to move to a regenerative agriculture basis. We will help fund appropriate training courses to begin your regen ag understanding.

After the 2 years the tree becomes the property of the landowner / farmer. Depending upon the type of tree, the first 15 years of a tree are its greatest carbon capturing potential. We expect that the long term benefit for farmers to retain the trees to help retain top soil, carbon, provide shade for animals and help seed clouds for rain will see many trees living a full life.

The trees become the property of the landholder after the 2 year contract period and therefore, any additional income earned belongs to the landholder.

We are partnering with landholders on the basis of first come, first served.

It is important to plant the most suitable trees for the planting sites. Many of our planting sites will be on private land so the selection of trees will be done in consultation with the landowner and the local Landcare specialists, tree planting organisations and Natural Resources Management (NRM) organisations. The tree types will also be chosen to maximise carbon capture and soil health growth.

Ecoforce will supply new seedlings to replace those seedlings or trees destroyed by fire or flood.
Replanting the replacement tree will be the responsibility of the landowner.

It is the responsibility of the land owner to ensure the trees are watered.

Ecoforce will plant new physical Tree only.

Landholders will be required to scan a QR code that is assigned to each tree, and photograph each tree at four 6 Monthly intervals over the 2 year period. This process unlocks funding at each of the four intervals of the QR code scanning & photographic process. Ecoforce will also have field staff to complete spot checks in the plantations and be available to support and provide advice.

Yes, both can be a consideration as part of the program.

Planting Organisations

It is important to plant to most suitable trees for the planting sites. Many of our planting sites will be on private land so the selection of trees will be done in consultation with the landowner and the local landcare specialists and tree planting organisations. The tree types will also be chosen to maximise carbon capture and soil health growth.

Ecoforce will work with any tree planting group to get more trees in the ground. Through our structured plan we can pay you for the planting of trees on farmers land.

Rewards Program

By purchasing through Eco Partners you’ll earn cashback from over 300 partners. At the same time these partners will match your cashback amount to planting trees with EcoForce. Click here to shop now, earn cash back and save our planet at the same time.

By sharing your Affiliate link after you join, you can build a team of advocates around the world helping sell and plant trees to save our planet.

EcoForce pays commissions on personal tree and kelp sales to your bank account or paypal account weekly. The weekly cut off is midnight Wednesday Brisbane Australia time. We also pay team bonuses by the 10th of each month following the month the sales were made throughout your team. Your monthly team bonuses are paid upon your Tree / Kelp Points balance at might on the last night of the calendar month.

The world needs to change, we all know it. But how much? In order to reverse the effects of climate change we need to sequester the 30bn tons of carbon. Trees are the easiest way we can do this as the effects are multi layered. We need to plant the equivalent of 135bn trees per year, or if you prefer 17 trees per person on the planet, this and every year. And to know more about 17 trees watch this video.

Whilst we acknowledge there are many organisations that plant trees, we don’t just plant trees. There is not one tree planting organisation worldwide who have the “benefit multiplier effect” like EcoForce does built into the tree planting program. Our Founders, Charles and Tracy Alder saw first hand through their years supporting farmers the opportunity to work with farmers to improve their land and the produce they supply to us. When EcoForce plants trees our farmers are obligated to improve their farming and land management practices whereby the carbon the trees capture is multiplied by the rate of carbon the soils capture. It’s a truly win win win deal for all of us. Planting billions of trees on farmers land is a world first.
When we plant trees they are gps registered, you can even visit them with prior approval and we protect them with tree guards to keep away unwanted visitors and we photograph them twice yearly and care for them directly for two years. We also engage our farmers in changing their business to include the benefits of Regenerative Agriculture.

As the tree grows it captures Carbon, but it also transforms the soil, which in turn captures even more carbon. It also helps retain water and promote rainfall to help prevent drought. It’s not just a tree, it’s a life changing transformation product.


Trees don’t just change the soil they also have the chance to change your life. Ecoforce is an exciting business opportunity for you with a product that is easy to understand, that is in high demand and you can be part of the solution to changing the world. How many other opportunities can say that!
If like us you are passionate about the planet and want to alter the direction the human race is on then you will know that we can no longer leave this up to Governments. For climate change to truly capture the hearts and minds of people it has to be a commercial venture. We need a self funding solution to truly effect change.
Ecoforce is recruiting Affiliates to communicate this message and give people the opportunity to purchase trees in order to sequester enough carbon to meet our targets.

When Ecoforce sells a tree and pays $11 AUD in personal sales bonus and we need to sell and plant billions of trees you can do the sums and see what potential there is.

And we need to plant billions of trees year after year.

We have all heard of stories of the one that got away. The guy that didn’t invest in a computer company because it was named after a fruit, or the person who thought people would never buy books online.
If you are passionate about running your own business, and the freedom that it brings and want to get involved in a new business in its foundations then Ecoforce could be the perfect partner for you. We have an unrivalled rewards programme to give you incredible income opportunities with a product that needs no explanation.

Tree Score

Your company can use EcoForce Global’s tree planting programs in any way to engage your staff and stakeholders. The transparency of the plantings, GPS co ordinates and photographs make a compelling story of your company’s commitment to tree planting.

Where companies have multiple outlets, EcoForce Global will calculate the company’s Star rating based upon the company’s control of each site. If they fall under HQ control, then the target will be spread across the sub branches. If each site is a separate business with separate Directors or Management then each site can have its own star rating

Once a company has come on board and made a commitment, EcoForce Global corporate team will communicate directly with the business owners to establish credentials and a transparent path forward that allows the business to meet its objectives in a meaningful and positive way.The chosen star rating level will be validated against company revenue.

Provisional star ratings are issued for the first 12 months. Once the company’s commitment has been met then a company will earn its official star status.

The pending stars look like this

Official stars look like this

When companies register with EcoForce Global they are categorised based upon annual turnover.

Companies then make a commitment to contribute between 0.5% and 1.5% towards planting trees through EcoForce Global.

The levels and star ratings are calculated upon a company’s annual revenue.

In an age of green washing and haze surrounding many companies true credentials and commitment to the environment, TreeScore is a simple, transparent, accountable way for companies to commit to environmental support.

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