2023 Update

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2023 Update

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One Farmer Per Country at a Time – We have decided to reduce the selection of planting sites on our check out page. This means any consumer or corporate purchasing trees through a general visit will be given One planting site per country we operate in. If a customer has been shared a link or wishes to plant a tree on a specific planting site, that selection can be done through choosing a planting site from this page and their selection will be held and processed when the sale is completed

First 4 Trees Bonus – $50 . Sign up and sell a tree in your first 21 days and we’ll pay you $50 AUD instead of $22 for the first 4 trees. All new Affiliates who join EcoForce Global who sell a full priced tree will receive a total of $50 AUD per tree as a commission instead of $22 AUD. The $$28 AUD bonuses per tree is only paid on confirmation of the 4th full value tree sale.

Affiliate Bonus –  $5 to Affiliates , $5 to referring Affiliate. All new Affiliates who join EcoForce Global and all Affiliates who refer a new Affiliate will receive a $5 promo bonus added to their account that will be paid out upon the sale of the first full value tree by the new Affiliate. The $5 paid out to the New Affiliate is paid out when the first tree is sold. If the new Affiliate earns the First 4 Trees Bonuses then they will receive $23 for the first tree sale and $28 for the subsequent 3 trees

Meetup Brisbane – Starts Next Week

One For One – Every Tree EFG Affiliates Sell EFG will match with One. In 2023 EcoForce will push this message harder to share our message of support for devastated regions

Certificate with every purchase
– Every time a tree is purchased from now on, a certificate of ownership will be issued connecting the owner to their tree. The certificate will include a link to a report on the tree and its current status.

Increased Financial Support for Farmers – EcoForce is going to extend financial support for farmers beyond the two years to years 3,4,and 5. The rate per tree will drop from $3 per annum to $2 per annum.

EcoForce Global Carbon Credits – From March 1st, EcoForce Global will begin calculating carbon sequestered per tree and add this to tree reports. This carbon can then be traded on an internal trade exchange created between EcoForce Global Affiliates and potential clients looking to offset their own carbon emissions. More can be read here. https://www.ecoforceglobal.com/ecoforce-carbon-credits

Great Green Wall trip – August 2023  EcoForce Global will be inviting up to 20 Affiliates to accompany us to the Great Green Wall in Africa. Affiliates will be able to earn their way to Nigeria and the Great Green wall or pay their own way . To qualify for EcoForce Global to pay your way there, Sell 50 trees and / or recruit 20 Affiliates and $1 from every tree sold in your network to 8 levels below will be contributed to your trip. Airfares and Accommodation are included. Whatever amount you don’t earn through the rewards program, Affiliates will be invited to make up the difference.