Corporate Tree Planting and Carbon Capture & ESG

Environmental, Social, and Corporate Governance is an evaluation of a firm’s (or company’s) collective conscientiousness for social and environmental factors. It is typically a score that is compiled from data collected surrounding specific metrics related to intangible assets within the enterprise.

Businesses around the world are being challenged on their commitments to the Environment, Social inclusion and the governance of their business. Are they meeting their own standards and well as the community’s standards?

EcoForce Global provides companies with a unique opportunity that covers many of the requirements of best practice in the ESG field. Our program is actionable, transparent, sustainable and includes verifiable data.

Our program helps companies meet the ES component through the planting of trees to capture (drawdown) and store CO2 from the atmosphere

Regenerative Agriculture principles include the…

Reduced soil disturbance through no-till agricultural practices.
Keep cover on the soil (green growing cover is most effective)
Keep living roots in the soil as much as possible.
Create as much diversity as possible.
Integrate animals into the system.

Carbon sequestration happens in two places, soils and in the trees  Where possible (funded by the landholder) we will conduct a soil carbon test to measure the amount of carbon in the soil. Upon the completion of the five year agreement, we supply a second soil carbon measurement ( again at the farmers expense) to show increased carbon sequestration levels ( capture) to validate carbon tonnage captured.

We engage our customers in site visits to see their tree plantings and immerse them with updates directly from our farmers in the progress of their plantings.

Finally for every tree sold through EcoForce we also commit one to land repair from disasters around the world, bushfires, floods, droughts etc and we do this with internationally recognised organisations.

Our transparent tree planting process and active partnership with all stakeholders in the process is transferable to your company and can be included as part of your company’s commitment to the environment as well as the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals.

Register through this form for a one on one contact and information about our next ESG presentations held online.

Expression of Interest in an ESG Solution